Wednesday, June 3, 2009

We made it!

Hello from Las Vegas (baby!)!  :)  We're here, and we're all in one piece!

Sorry for the lack of blogging over the past week, it was a crazy one.  Between packing and working and parenting and driving across four state lines to get here, we had alot going on!  

We left Colorado on Saturday after three loooooooong days of packing up our moving truck.  Our intention was to leave "first thing" Saturday morning, but with packing left to do on Friday night, we decided to call it quits around 11 pm because we just couldn't take it anymore - we were exhausted.  So, we got up early Saturday and started again.  By the time we got everything packed up and we were ready to finally leave, it was 6 pm!!  Whoa.  We were a little optimistic when we planned to leave early!  I told Kyle, at least we were within a 24 hour span in our estimation!!

So, we drove as far as we could that night in the rain, over mountain passes, and stayed overnight in Eagle, CO.  The next day (Sunday), we got on the road at 7 am, and didn't arrive in Nevada until 8 pm.  At which point, we unloaded the truck enough to get to our beds and we collapsed around midnight.
The past two days have been spent unloading our moving truck in amazing heat - it was 95 degrees yesterday here.  The girls have spent much time running through the sprinkler (what a novelty for them!) while we are busily trying to make our house a home (and one that we can walk through without injury!).  
There is still unpacking to do, so while Kyle has returned to work today, I'll try to tackle some of that and keep the girls entertained at the same time.  The busyness is dying down some, and I'm thankful for that.  I'll write a little more later about some of my impressions as we are making this transition physically.  For now, I am off to unpack, and wanted to let you all know that we did make it, and we're doing good, so far!  Thanks for your patience, and I'll post again soon.  :)


  1. yay! so glad you made it! i was wondering if yall got off okay. so sorry it was so much work. argh. did you get my message? i called frid or sat. to say goodbye. anyway, i hate that matt couldn't lend some muscle for the move . . . he actually had minor surgery on friday. ANYWAY, know that i can't wait to hear of all the good things that happen with you guys in Vegas! hang in there, friend.

  2. Glad to hear you arrived safely. Enjoy the warm weather and the sprinkler! Can't wait to hear how things are going.
