Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I wanna diet my hair

So, just now, this was the conversation had with the four (going on 21 year old):

"Mom, when I get older I want you to diet my hair"

me: "why?"


me: "what color would I dye your hair?"

"you know that girl at the concert with the pink hair with a little bit of brown?"

me (searching my memory that doesn't always work as fast as it used to - then stopping at a mental image of a woman we saw with a shockingly deep shade of fuchsia hair): "why do you want your hair pink and brown?"

"oh, because it made her hair look good and I want mine to look good too when you diet it."

Does it ever amaze you that what they say is so many years beyond the language they have to express themselves?  I'm trying not to be too concerned for the teenage years just yet...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

What You Focus On Grows

My friend, Laura, posted this quote on her blog recently:

“A person will worship something, have no doubt about that.  
We may think tribute is paid in secret, in the dark recesses of our hearts, but it will play out.  
 That which dominates our imaginations and our thoughts will determine our lives and our character.  
Therefore, it behooves us to be careful what we worship, for what we are worshipping, we are becoming.” 
~  Ralph Waldo Emerson

This, for me, has been a daily struggle - I've posted about it before - what I focus on grows.  And, what I worship, I am becoming. 

This truth was made clear to me yesterday through my daughter, who tends to ruminate and easily become consumed by her emotions.  It's often the negative ones she's feeling that do her in and can lead her even to physical sickness.  She and I had a discussion yesterday as she was complaining of not feeling well about trying to focus on "happy things" instead of how badly she was feeling.  I could see her spiraling downward in that all-to-familiar cycle that often leads to a place none of us want to go, and I was desperate to help her try to avoid going there.

And I wish I had someone to give me that pep talk whenever I'm consumed by frustration or anger or sadness and allow myself to submit to those negative feelings, influencing my entire day for the worse (and just about everyone who has contact with me).  What I focus on grows.  Whether it's how great my day is going or how tough my lot in life seems at any given moment.  

So, I had to ask my daughter yesterday the same question I should be asking myself EVERY DAY.  What do we want to grow?


This morning, as my little girl awoke, she came out to the kitchen to announce to me that she was feeling better and she believes that she "kept the sickness away with happy thoughts".  One battle won.

I want to win today, too.  How about you? 

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Independence Day - Patriotism is Not Dead!

We are a country of innovators and achievers.  We aren't afraid to take the path least traveled, and understand that often comes with hard work (which we're not afraid of, either).  We speak freely, and sometimes forget that not everyone has that right.  We take up after our own, and we try to take up for others who no one else will bother with.  We're not perfect, but, for the most part, we're trying to make the world a little better than we found it.

Today, as you're celebrating with your family and friends, eating good BBQ, swimming at the pool, and watching fireworks, don't forget the reason why today is significant.  Fly your United States flag proudly, and remember that being a United States citizen is a gift and a privilege.

Happy Independence Day, and may God bless the USA!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Hey - I love you!!

This is my new favorite feel good song.  I LOVE it.

I first heard it in the best spin class ever known to man (or woman), and ever since, I've been hooked.  It just makes me happy and when I hear it I cannot help but break out dancing, much to the horror of my children.  :)

And, at the risk of sharing TMI, I created a ringtone from it for when my husband calls. The only problem is, I don't want to cut the song off when he calls, so I don't answer quickly...

I hope you enjoy as much as I do!