Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Broken Vessels

A good friend of mine suggested that I get the devotional, _Streams in the Desert_ (how fitting is that title??), so I picked it up at the bookstore yesterday.  Several of my friends and I have decided to read this book once a day (it covers the entire year, by date) and participate in a sort of "virtual study" of what we're learning relative to what is written.  I'd love to have you join us, too.  :)

Today's devo is about how we are all broken vessels, and whether we realize it or not, all of the trials and struggles we each face in our lives are opportunities - "God's way of providing vessels for the Holy Spirit to fill."  Interesting concept - one I'd no doubt heard before, but it seemed to have new meaning for me this morning as I reflected on it.

It reminded me immediately of a strawberry pot.
With all of its various nooks and crannies, each intended to house a living plant

that will produce sweet, satisfying fruit.  It is like no other pot, with holes throughout, threatening the strength of the entire vessel.  But without those openings, exposing the soil inside, there would be no opportunity for the strawberry plant to flourish and eventually reveal its fruit.

I suppose we are no different.  Each hole in the strawberry pot is like each trial we endure in this life.  While it first appears to threaten the integrity of our entire makeup, eventually it ends up creating new life and even fruit.  What seems to be an unusual design (or an unecessary struggle), turns out to be the perfect way to maximize the pot's (and our) potential.  Just some thoughts I'm pondering today...

I'd love to hear how today's excerpt spoke to you, if you want to join the discussion.  Leave a comment!

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