Friday, March 20, 2009

Well, we're off...

I've neglected my blog this week due to my uncanny ability to think that I can accomplish superhuman amounts of tasks into itty bitty amounts of time. This week, besides working a regular schedule crammed into four days (instead of five, since we're leaving today), spring break beginning on Thursday (both kids were home all day yesterday), parent teacher conferences (Aubrielle is a prize pupil, btw!), and packing for our trip (which isn't done, yet), I've had little time to breathe. And, I'm starting to come down with the virus that has made its way to each of my family members over the past two weeks... But, I digress,

Today is the day. We're packing up and heading out on a road trip to Las Vegas for the next 8 days. It will take us two days to travel there and two back - it's something like 12+ hours from point A to point B, so, in an effort to save Kyle and my sanity (good luck!), we're stopping after about 8 hours in Richfield, UT to stay the night. I'm anxious to be with the kids in Las Vegas, attend the church we've scouted out over the internet, tour schools, see the home where we think we'll be staying (at least until our house in CO sells), and get a general feel for what life is like as a local. I have certain expectations I cannot explain about what I'll learn from this trip that will ease my fear of the unknown. I hope these unknown expectations are met - whatever they are...

Road trips are not my thing. I'd so much rather get on a plane and get the travelling over with - just get there, already. But, our budget didn't allow for plane tickets and a car rental, so we (Kyle) opted for driving there ourselves. He loves road trips. Thinks they're an awesome opportunity to connect with your family and "be" with each other. I know there is great value in that, and something I definitely need to do more of. I'll be studying him.

Stillness does not speak to my gifts and it is something I want to be able to do without feeling like I need to climb the walls. Twelve hours of being strapped down in a confined space ought to curb that, don't you think?!? It's a small step, but I'm going to be intentional about just being today and all week.

Anyway, all that to say, I may be sporadic for the next several days with my posting, but I'll do my best to get some pictures to you all of our travels. Take care, and until next time...

1 comment:

  1. oh, i will be praying for your time away! i hope it is rich time in the car with the kids and Kyle and i hope you see a lot of hope for life in Vegas. can't wait to hear all about it, friend. Where He Leads, He provides.
