Sunday, March 29, 2009

Home, and thankful

Hello! We're finally back home in Colorado - arrived yesterday evening. What a looooong time we spent on the road! I'm still recovering from the upper respiratory thing that made its way through each of us over the past three weeks (Kyle ended up spending 2 hours at an urgent care in Las Vegas to get antibiotics for what had progressed to a sinus infection) - it's been a long week! All I can say is, I'M SO GLAD TO BE HOME!!

We pushed our journey home back one day because of the spring snow storm we heard about on the news and were expecting slippery roads in Colorado, but instead found dry roads - thanks to the sunshine on Friday. We even stopped in Glenwood Springs and swam in the hot springs outdoor pool in 38 degree weather. Kyle swears by its reported healing properties and tells me the high mineral content of the water in the pools heals upper respiratory infections, cuts in skin, and acne, among other things. I'm not sure I'm convinced in the cure-all properties of mere water, but it ended up being a nice break from the car!

I was a little less than excited to leave 60-70 degree weather to come home to 30-40 degree temps, but sleeping in my own bed was priceless last night. And we were so thankful to drive up to our house to find that our wonderful neighbors took it upon themselves to shovel our driveway and walk to the front door while we were gone. We have the greatest neighbors - what a gift!

So, while I have lots to share about our trip and time in Las Vegas, I'll save that for a day in the near future, because I'm tired and want to just veg out in front of the tv today. :) I'll close with the top ten things I'm thankful for today:

10) Sunshine and melting snow!
9) Returning home safe and relatively healthy
8) My own king size bed that provides plenty of room and comfort
7) Home cooked meals
6) Familiar faces all around and knowing that we were missed (and prayed for!)
5) Having access to my own computer at my own desk in my own room!
4) Three loads of laundry already finished today, and not much more to do
3) Not needing a GPS in my car to find my way around and not having to be in my car for hours today
2) Knowing that those extra pounds I put on during our trip will eventually be worked off with resumed exercise and eating in
1) A full day with absolutely nothing I HAVE to get done!!

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