Thursday, July 16, 2009

Taking an inventory

So, I've been thinking a lot lately about lessons learned. Specifically, what I have learned about myself and who I am over the past decade. Here are a few thoughts written out, so I don't forget.

  1. I procrastinate. Especially when it's a task I don't particularly like or feel forced into completing.
  2. I love being a bit off center, and things that are just slightly unlike everything else.
  3. I am not a naturally organized person, but THRIVE when I take the time to get organized (see #1)
  4. Who knew I was a morning person? Don't love the getting up part, but really enjoy early mornings when I'm the only one up. I get so much done - it's my best time of the day
  5. I like to be challenged intellectually and I really love to make connections between philosophical ideas and real life.
  6. I am sorta creative, not totally - I love to work from templates (in just about everything!) - I guess I'm not a trail blazer without some kind of example to follow.
  7. I have to work really, really hard at not putting myself first - this is a daily battle and one that I think I'll fight all of my life. I'm naturally pretty selfish.
  8. I have a hard time respecting myself (and anyone else) when I allow life to just happen to me, and not take some ownership and ACTION. I'm finding that there is a balance to be struck here - as I am not in control, either.
  9. While I have made all kinds of proclamations and sworn all sorts of vows to never be dependent upon anyone else, I'm totally and hopelessly dependent upon my spouse. And, I still try to pretend that I'm not.
  10. I do so much better when I set goals and write them down so I can read them regularly and stay on course.
  11. I tend to set standards for myself that are ridiculously high and impossible to attain, then beat myself up for not being perfect - and I have to be careful to not do that with others, especially my children.
  12. When I don't know how to do something, no matter what it is, I figure I can read a book or look it up online to figure it out. This is how I learned how to lay tile, parent, build Web sites, train for triathlons, program our universal remote, etc. etc.
  13. Time management is a struggle for me when I don't set my schedule in advance. I believe the phrase, "if you're failing to plan, you're planning to fail" is especially true for me (see #1).
  14. When I decide I want to achieve something, I almost always do. Eventually.

What have you learned about yourself, and what are you still discovering?

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