Sunday, February 21, 2010

Decisions, Decisions

Sometimes it's a good thing to have options.  And we are faced with so many decisions all day long.  Some are much bigger than others.

The past week I've been facing what I consider to be a major decision in my life that has potential to change the course of my life, at least in the professional realm. 

While I think I know exactly what I want to decide to do, any decision comes with risks along with the benefits.  In particular, one of the risks for me in this decision is that I would be heading in a direction that will essentially be me picking up something new. 

Now, I love change (really, I do!) - it keeps things challenging and interesting.  But one of my lessons learned in the last season of change was to be content with my existing responsibilities and not overload myself by picking up things (volunteer commitments, business ownership, too much work, etc. etc) that I do not need in order to purely follow God's plan for my life.  So, that's the rub.  My prayer in our move when everything I had chosen was stripped away from me, was that I did not pick up anything that was not in God's plan.  I'm notorious for charting a path of my own, starting out on it, then halfway through finally taking a look back to ask God which way I should go.  I want it to be the other way around - that I ask Him first, then start out on a path with assurance that it is the right way.

I've decided with this decision to "marinate" (as a good friend says) in this for a bit before making a big move.  I'm hoping that my path will become illuminated and my way cleared as a "go-ahead" from God.  In the meantime, I'm going to (try to) be still and wait. 

Just thought I'd post about this so you know why I've been so quiet.  My mind is full of possibilities and endless chatter that I'm trying to quiet so I can listen.  More details to come...

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