As usual, this Colorado Easter was marked by significant snowfall from a storm that swept through overnight and all day Sunday. I think we got about a foot when it was all finished. I have to laugh at it, because for those of you who know me, you know I'm done with snow about 10 minutes after it starts every fall... Anyway, it was clear to me that this Easter was a certain kind of "send off" for us, as next year the girls will be wearing those typical sleeveless Easter dresses with no sweaters over them or turtlenecks underneath to keep them warm. Next year, they'll hunt for eggs outdoors with no fear of snow melting the jellybeans before they can find all the eggs. Next year, we'll be settled into our new church home, and we'll have to be the ones to host an annual egg hunt for all of our friends (instead of enjoying an afternoon hosted by our dear friends here in Colorado). Next year, well, things will be different. This Easter, being so different from what I expect next year will hold, was a unique gift.

Easter morning was, as usual, an exciting time for the girls as they woke up early to find what the Easter bunny had left for them. They came running into our quiet bedroom where we were still asleep to announce that "the Easter bunny left poop on our couch!" (purple jelly beans, of course (what else fits the Easter bunny?), next to the plate of cookies Aubrielle left out for him). Then they gobbled up what he'd left behind, thinking they were especially funny to do so. Aubrielle had, just days earlier, announced that she was hopeful she'd get a "big girl Bible" after reading all the way through her beginner's Bible, so she was thrilled to see that is just what was sitting in her Easter basket. Denali was equally excited to see that she now had some new _Adventures In Odyssey_ DVDs to watch (we're used to listening to them on CD, not watching the cartoon version). They then rushed around both inside and out to find all the eggs that were hidden, eating as much candy as they could shove into their mouths before breakfast.

Yesterday, as I was watching the snow melt in the sun and listening to the rush of water coming down our downspouts from the roof, I was struck how just 24 hours ago how different things looked. And the 24 hours before that. And the 24 before that. On Good Friday, we were in a somber mood recalling the sacrifice Christ made when he took His last breath on the cross, saying "It is finished." On Saturday, even though we knew what was coming, we were still reminded of what His disciples were going through immediately after His death, in their grief and loss of Him in their lives. As the anticipation built, Sunday finally came with its triumphant announcement that He is risen, He is risen indeed, Alleluia!

The snow came and blanketed our little town and the clouds kept the sun from shining through. There seemed to be no end to the cold, wet snow coming down from the sky, and it just kept piling up on the ground. Everywhere I looked, I could only see pure, white, clean snow. Covering everything. Making it clean and new. It was impossible for me not to be thinking about His blood that has covered every one of us in just the same way.
Then, just as quick as they came, the clouds dispersed and the sun shone through, bringing its warmth to melt all of the snow away. Today, there is little evidence of the magnitude of that snow storm here in our yard. All of the Easter eggs have been put away for next year, leaving little trace of our celebration on Sunday. Our regular daily schedules have resumed this week, work, meetings, school... Life goes on, but it will not be the same ever again.
I know next year will bring lots of change. I'm so humbled and incredibly grateful to be able to place my security in the knowledge of His sacrifice, making what is old and ugly, new and clean again. There's no changing that. I hope you all had a blessed Easter and it stays with you through the year.
Also, I should mention that in addition to the incredible gift of eternal life that was received at Easter over 2000 years ago, this year, because of the snow, Kyle's plans to go back to Las Vegas for the week were postponed! So, we're happily together and starting to tackle our ever growing 'to do' list! It's so ironic to me, this year of all years, that I (of all people!) would find the snow to be such a blessing. But gifts don't always come in packages that we recognize right away, do they?
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