Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Time flies...

Wow! Has it already been a whole week since I last blogged?? Time is slipping away from me. Seems there is lots of exploring to do and as it turns out, two young children are hungry for my attention now that school's out and we're in a new environment. But, it's been good.

We've had a steady diet of visiting parks, some with spray parks built in, some just utilized for their pathways while we bike ride (Bri is now riding without training wheels, which was previously not achieved because of the mountainous area we used to call home = not so safe for learning to ride a bike).

We spent Father's Day at the beach in California - a quick weekend road trip to Huntington Beach, west of LA. What a fun time! It is so much fun to brave the strong ocean waves and marvel at just how amazingly huge the sea is and just how small we are. We had a great time with the children - this was Denali's first time at the coast (that she can remember). During the ride out, she kept asking when we were getting to the pool - that was her frame of reference, and we DID have swimming suits! Bri and Kyle got boogy boards and rode some waves. We had a nice dinner at a local Italian restaurant and strolled home (to the hotel) on the beach in our dress clothes. While it was a little chillier than we've been used to (it was 60-70 degrees the whole time we were there), it was a welcome break from the heat of the desert.

Yesterday, I broke down and decided it was time to end the denial and finally register Bri for school here. We got ready, then gathered up the various paperwork they required from us and went over to the school, only to be told that Bri is missing a vaccination?!? Funny, no one ever mentioned that before to me... So, we were turned away (again) and told to get the shot and come back. Seriously?

This required that I find a pediatrician ASAP, which is something that is on my to do list, but I thought I'd have a little more time for that... Anyway, we have that appt. this afternoon.

So, in a not so neat nutshell, that is what we've been up to. It's a wonder how the busyness of daily life can take over - especially at a time when I was just sure I'd be bored and wondering what to do with myself. HA!

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