Thursday, April 8, 2010

Something Beautiful

So, today I went for a long run by myself on the incredible pathways that string through my neighborhood.  The weather was a balmy 62 degrees, the sun was shining, the wind was silent, and all was right with the world.  Something about the rhythm of my feet hitting the pavement and the sound of my breath invigorates me (after about the first mile or two...), and the endorphins kick in.  There's nothing like the high of a runner, something I never ever got until I became one.

As I was running, there were several moments when I looked up to notice the awesome views of the desert mountains rising up at the edge of the city and the monumental palm trees that rise to the sky to greet the sun.  How lucky I am to see all of this right here where I live.  I used to feel the same way when I had the privilege of staring in awe at Pikes Peak in Colorado - we've definitely been blessed to live in some beautiful places.

The thing is, I suppose there is beauty to be found everywhere and anywhere you look.  Even in Vegas, a place where many believe there is nothing beautiful (if you believe this, you've never really seen the true Las Vegas).  I'm so lucky to see the beauty here and to have the chance to enjoy it and add it to my past experiences with gorgeous landscape.

As I coming home after my run this morning, this song came on the radio.  I thought it summed it up pretty well, and I hope it inspires you to look for the beauty in your day today, too.

1 comment:

  1. JoAnna this was a great post. It's so true, running really can be a beautiful thing. Yes, painful at times but overall it's such a blessing to have the option to run! I only wish you were here running with me still! Run on my friend......

