Monday, March 1, 2010

Welcome to March, National Caffeine Awareness Month

So, I'm not really trying to say that addiction is a laughing matter - it is not.  Anyone who's ever struggled to overcome any addiction knows just how hard it is to kick the habit, whether it be to food, smoking, alcohol, drugs, television, exercise, pedicures...  (well, you get my point).

But, apropos of one of my friend's very recent texts about how Starbucks should deliver, and since I did run through the drive-through this very morning to get my favorite highly caffeinated drink (venti non-fat cappuccino, in case you'd ever like to surprise me one morning...), I thought it was really humorous when I learned that March is National Caffeine Awareness Month.   And, because today is the first day of the month, I thought I should blog on the topic, in honor.

(If I could insert right here an audible snippet of my laughing out loud, and it wouldn't be more annoying or disturbing than not, I so would.)

I mean, seriously??

There is an entire association dedicated to the education of the public about caffeine and its ill-effects on people, society, and the economy.  HUH?

I know, I know.  Addiction to anything is indicative of a life out of balance.  Addiction to caffeine can cause serious health effects, and I hear it's not too good for your nerves or the whiteness of your teeth.  I do know that an abrupt halt in caffeine usage can cause some serious headaches and general angst in my own life, but I think that might just be proving the Caffeine Awareness Association's point, and that isn't helping my cause.  I like, no LOVE my coffee every single morning, and find that my day goes so much worse when I don't get it (on the very rare occasions that actually happens).  My day is made happier with that early morning kick of caffeine, and, if drinking it is wrong, I don't wanna be right.

Oh, and the other thing that I found funny about the Caffeine Awareness Association is that it is based out of Seattle, the birthplace of all great coffee.  Come to think of it, if not for the rainy, dreary weather, I could totally consider living in Seattle JUST for the coffee.  I'm just sayin'...

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