10) Another sunny, hot day in the desert where I can admire palm trees and beautiful rock formations not too far from our home.
9) A fixed bike trailer so that I can take the kids to school on my bike with Denali in tow and Aubrielle on her bike. (Thanks, to my wonderful hubby!)
8) A beautiful (and somewhat shady) greenbelt path to ride traffic free all the way to school
7) Sleeping through the night last night with no headache to wake me up
6) Knowing that I have lifelong, deep friendships - even if those friends don't live where I do
5) Plans for the weekend to celebrate Aubrielle's 8th birthday - and all the years we've had with her as part of our family.
4) New workout shorts and shirts that I found at Target yesterday on clearance - so cheap AND cute!
3) Being reminded yesterday that I am not walking in the sand of the desert all by myself.
2) Finishing all of my blog writing (for work) before 8 am this morning! My weekend has already begun.
1) A sense of peace that all will eventually work out the way it needs to, and there are good things still to come.