So, below are some of the shots I took. One of the things I always find secretly funny (and amazing) is the crazy things people will print on signs. While I didn't have my camera ready to capture all of the insane things I saw on signs (you'd be surprised!), here are a choice few:
We also got some pretty landscape scenes - the desert is definitely a different climate with altered vegetation and colors and shapes.
We were pleased to find that the church we'd scouted out via the Internet turned out to be a place we felt at home when we attended their service the Sunday we were there. The tour of their private Lutheran school was also impressive and we are hopeful that we'll be able to afford to send Aubrielle in the fall. We looked around the neighborhood where we'll be staying when we first move, and decided that we will plan on buying in that area when we are able because we liked it so much. The weather while we were there was definitely not cut out for shorts and tank tops quite yet (I'm sure that will come soon enough!), but when we heard of the blizzard back here in Colorado, we pushed our drive home back a day to stay on the safe side.
The girls got plenty of aunt Keri time and were able to talk her into buying them each a scooter and helmets, a pogo stick (which Bri promptly mastered after only a day of intense practice), numerous snacks and treats, and two visits to Chuck E Cheese. They also got to see Grandma Libby (my mom), who brought them some new clothes to take home. I think it's safe to say they were spoiled rotten. :)
Kyle and I were sick the whole time with upper respiratory infections and coughs. One afternoon, we spent two hours at an urgent care so he could get a prescription for antibiotics to treat the sinus infection he'd developed. He told me the first order of business upon our arrival in Las Vegas is to find a good family doctor. We hope to never repeat that experience.
The drive out and back took us, in total, four days. As I suspected, I tired of the car within just a few hours of our departure, but we listened to a couple of interesting books on tape and Adventures in Odyssey to pass the time. So, in a nutshell, that is how the trip went. I'm glad we went - it was good for us to introduce this new city to the girls (and to me!), and I'm equally glad to be back home in Colorado!