So, below are some of the shots I took. One of the things I always find secretly funny (and amazing) is the crazy things people will print on signs. While I didn't have my camera ready to capture all of the insane things I saw on signs (you'd be surprised!), here are a choice few:

We also got some pretty landscape scenes - the desert is definitely a different climate with altered vegetation and colors and shapes.

The girls got plenty of aunt Keri time and were able to talk her into buying them each a scooter and helmets, a pogo stick (which Bri promptly mastered after only a day of intense practice), numerous snacks and treats, and two visits to Chuck E Cheese. They also got to see Grandma Libby (my mom), who brought them some new clothes to take home. I think it's safe to say they were spoiled rotten. :)
Kyle and I were sick the whole time with upper respiratory infections and coughs. One afternoon, we spent two hours at an urgent care so he could get a prescription for antibiotics to treat the sinus infection he'd developed. He told me the first order of business upon our arrival in Las Vegas is to find a good family doctor. We hope to never repeat that experience.
The drive out and back took us, in total, four days. As I suspected, I tired of the car within just a few hours of our departure, but we listened to a couple of interesting books on tape and Adventures in Odyssey to pass the time. So, in a nutshell, that is how the trip went. I'm glad we went - it was good for us to introduce this new city to the girls (and to me!), and I'm equally glad to be back home in Colorado!