"Rule Number 1 is, don't sweat the small stuff.
Rule Number 2 is, it's all small stuff."
- Robert Eliot
I like this concept. Perspective is important for us - when we take things or ourselves too seriously, we lose so much. But, even though I want to subscribe to this as a general way of thinking, I often argue "so, then why does everything always seem so BIG??"
Right now, for me, lots of things are pretty BIG. The thought of picking up our family and moving to a foreign state with a new climate and culture is BIG. I'm thinking BIG thoughts about all the work that needs to get done around our home to get it ready to sell. The possibility that it won't sell and the consequences of that are BIG. Having to start over finding a church, friends, schools, running paths, etc. etc. is BIG. Figuring out whether we'll be able to afford private school, or whether I'll need to homeschool and how that will all work out is a BIG decision. You get the BIG picture.
I know that worrying is borrowing trouble. We often worry about things that never, ever come to pass. Then we look back realizing we wasted all that time stressed out for nothing. I'm guilty of that more than I care to admit. Right now, for example!
Then, my thoughts turn to God and how He holds this whole world in His hands. I do believe He's in control. I do believe He has plans for me and my family - plans to prosper us and not to harm us, for a hope and a future (Jer. 29:11). I do believe He knows what's best for me. When I think of all the BIG things He has to be on top of every moment of every day forever and ever, and when I realize that He cares enough for me that He has (more than once) stopped to be with me (little old me?!) at the times when I needed Him most, I'm amazed at just how small I am, in the whole scheme of things. small. My problems, when compared to all the problems in the world, and all the problems everyone is facing are so small. If I keep my eyes on Him, I can see perspective.
I think I'd do well to take the advice from the book of Matthew: "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."