Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Funny Candy

I came across this H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S. clip from Tim Hawkins this morning and I was laughing so hard!!  I needed that.

Maybe you do too!  Happy almost Halloween!

Oh, and while I'm on a Halloween theme today - check this out!  Ghosting It Forward.  It's a neat little community building, feel-good activity - kinda like trick or treating in reverse!

The kids and I are totally gonna do this tomorrow night.  heeheehee

Can't wait to see if it catches on in our otherwise quiet and non-interactive neighborhood...  ;)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday, monday

Ever notice how Mondays come around so much faster than Saturdays?  And how Sundays (if we're not intentional to avoid this) can become a day full of preparing for Monday, thus kinda sad and dreary? 

I have.

Happy Monday...  I guess...  ;)